Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A Season of Revelations

I'm sitting in mine and Russell's office and we are both writing. Such English majors, right?? :-) The only difference is, my husband is working on his novel, while I work on the blog. We're both cool in our own way ;-) I've got him listening to Imogen Heap and Regina Spektor, which makes for a lovely night. Oh, and two pugs are currently lying down on my back.

Since my last post, things have calmed down a little bit. I finally tackled the big pile of laundry/constant growing garden in our laundry room. Our closet looks more like a place to get clothes than to leave them. It's nice. I'm working on this whole wife thing :-)

I know that if I post what I want to say it will seem like I'm going through a roller coaster of emotions right now. Maybe I am. Since writing everything out in my last post, I've stepped back and realized just how good I have it. Russell and I have discussed that we are pretty lucky to be where we are, and I don't want to ever sound like I'm not thankful for our life. I'm VERY thankful and blessed that God has brought us where we are. We live in our dream house. Not because it's the BEST house ever (it still needs a lot of work), but because it's our house and we are making such happy memories.

I am thankful :-)

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