Thursday, January 5, 2012

His light overcomes

"The Lord knoweth them that are his" (2 Tim 2:19)

"You may be sighing and groaning because of inbred sin and mourning over your darkness, yet the Lord sees light in your heart, for He has put it there....The light within is the dawn of the eternal day." -Charles Spurgeon, Morning & Evening for January 5th (Evening Reading)

As I read this tonight, I felt comforted. I have been feeling very convicted lately of the "darkness" I have that comes with being human. I have become sad, upset with myself, and even angry at certain times at my own thoughts or actions, knowing that it is not what God has called me to. "Yet the Lord sees light in your heat, for He has put it there"-- I remember when I was about 14, and in youth group, I would thing that my "problems" in my life were not big- I did not commit big sins, and therefore I was fine. Everything was dandy-- I learned that this way of thinking is much more dangerous that being convicted of even the "smallest" sin. I have also learned that I can not let my sin discourage me from seeking His face.

"Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually." - Psalm 105:4
There have been times when I let my weakness overpower me and prevent me from seeking the Lord's strength. I am definitely a work in progress (aren't we all?), but His strength renews me. I am thankful for a God who knows me, and for the eternal day I can look forward to.

I changed the look of my blog- the header is one I have been searching for! It was on my old blog from college, and I thought I had deleted it- lo and behold, I had it saved deep within my blogger accounts. So excited! It's been one of my favorite verses and I love the way it looks. :-)

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